Thursday 7 November 2013

Facts versus value?

Jane Bennett shares the same ideology as theorist Max Weber on how the domination of science has been translated in modern day writing. Through Weber’s writing he sees bureaucracy producing increasingly rationalised systems that will eventually entrap individuals into several controlled systems -the Iron Cage. She argues that as the world becomes more understood through the use of scientific laws, the personalised touch in writing has diminished. The ultimate question here is facts versus value.

Even though I acknowledge that we are ruled by facts and figures, I firmly believe that we have lost our voice in writing. The genre of popular science is intended to promote science however the author only acts as mediator. By relaying information is the author imparting an inspiring piece of work that will affect the reader? I firmly believe this has created a crisis of inspiration and questions the integrity of the author. This has come about through the use of disenchantment, as some books are solely reliant on empirical values.

Scientific writing is somewhat alienating to me. We are seduced by the scientific terminology that we disregard the aesthetic association. In order to write scientifically, one must essentially transform them into the object. The lack of emotion is quite clearly recognised and personally the value of the writing decreases. I do not object in the idea of disregarding the scientific understanding but the power of author should be able to express their understanding and interpretation, which should inspire the reader. This can be seen through the different techniques of presenting data. Qualitative methods of writing provide us with rich description and understanding, creating validity amongst the reader. Quantitative methods merely represent the data.
Perhaps we can draw similarities on the scientific research methods, whilst discussing such writing practices.

The institution of science is ruled by formulaic laws and terminology, which, causes us as humans to steer away from social problem, such as, structural inequality and concentrate on the environmental problems.
Unaware, we are slowly backing up against a corner, whilst a matrix of rational systems, calculable means and impersonal outcomes increasingly descend around us. Blocking our escape, perhaps before we know it we have been trapped and Weberain ideals of the Iron cage has ensnared us in through the use of glorified language.